What, you are asking yourself, is the Chia Pet Effect?
If you were to drive through Death Valley in July, a few words would be appropriate descriptors:
But drive through Death Valley in March after a wet spring, and you experience the Chia Pet Effect. Rocky hillsides fuzzy with tiny green leaves, and even some fields of wildflower color.
Of course we had to hit the tourist highlights.
Badwater, Death Valley - lowest point in the continental United States.Elevation: 282 feet below sea level.
Don't believe me? Zoom in on the GPS.
Devil's Golf CourseEnjoying a reprieve from the car seat.
Such a good girl. She slept through the night despite the wind - unlike another small camper.
Honestly, this was the perfect place for Eliza, because if I were to name a few things this girl can't live without, they are rocks and dirt...and Nora.
Throwing rocks with Dad at a pit stop on the way there.
Painting rocks.
Sharing some sand with Nora (who wasn't a big fan of the wind in her face, but check out that sweet hair-do).
I think she was in heaven.