Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jackson Hole 2011

Andrew and Jessica have been inviting us to come to Jackson Hole on the 4th of July, but we've never made it work....until this year. And boy, was it worth it! (except for the mosquitoes - next year, could you guys uninvite the mosquitoes please :)

Highlights of our trip:
  • floating the river 3 times - 2 times on the big kids' section (aaron) and once on the little kids' section (ang and eliza- aaron and nora jumped in for the last ten minutes of the float)
  • camping
  • movie night (Tangled on the big screen outside)
  • canoeing at String Lake
  • fireworks at the park with rad music (notice it in the dancing video. I don't know where you can get the cd, but I'm sure you'll all be dying to buy it)
  • popcorn over the fire
  • more camping
  • Wind Rivers (LOTS of mosquitoes)
  • Flaming Gorge
  • Grandma's house

Big kids' section
Lunch Counter almost ate our lunch - but it did eat the boat before us, our friends from Colorado. The water was extremely high!

Little Kids' section
This is the fashionable section. :)

String Lake

Life doesn't get much better than this, that's for sure.

Nora's new favorite animal - an elk. She must have some Great-grandpa Averett blood in her.

Wind Rivers outside of Pinedale.

We ate dinner outside the tent and then went on a little hike.

Stopping to take a picture was a bad idea because the mosquitoes wouldn't leave us alone. We got back to the tent as fast as we could and threw the girls inside and zipped them up. We were cleaning up, getting ready for bed when we hear the zipper and turn around to find a bear - I mean a BARE Eliza! "Mom, I took my clothes off. See?" Kids. What was life like without 'em?

Flaming Gorge Dam
This is definitely an engineer picture.

A bink, a four-wheeler, and a grandpa. Heaven.

1 comment:

Shafferprincess said...

Oh my gosh, Ang! You cut your hair. REALLY short. :O But, it's really cute. :)