We had a great time at Thanksgiving this year. We broke up the drive going to Tridell and going home which made it a little easier on a certain pregnant woman. We were not very smart and didn't take pictures during our Thanksgiving dinner or during the fun at Grandma's house. That would have been a good idea since Eliza, Paisley and all the cousins had a lot of fun. Here are some of the pictures we did get while getting our Christmas tree. On the way home we visited Grandma and Grandpa Averett and Eliza had fun walking Phantom and riding the horses. I just had to throw this one in since is was so cute. Meatloaf and smoothies are a favorite.
A couple of weekends ago we went to Zion for an afternoon hike. From the pictures you can see that Eliza had fun posing for the camera. She did great hiking and although we didn't get to go as far as we would have without her hiking she had some good fun and our hike was beautiful.
Eliza's Cousin Sydney was blessed on November 1st so we made the journey to Denver, and it sure was fun! When we got there we went right to Sledding.
Trick or Treating was very fun, Eliza was a ladybug and Cameron was a lion. Eliza also had her chance to hold Sydney and loved it which is a really good thing considering we are down to 2 and a half months until Eliza gets her little sister.
We went to Tridell the beginning of October and had some great fun with Wig, Steph and Paisley. A little cold for the Southern Utahns but still good fun! Eliza had sooo much fun with her cousin! We also had to go and see the leaves when they changed, so for FHE one week we went to see the leaves and go for a little hike to Cascade Falls. We also gave Mom a break one night and went to a BLM park out on the Arizona Strip. Eliza loved that she could just walk all over and explore.