So, I thought this looked kind of fun - I got it from my sis-in-law Amanda. Go ahead, see if you can remember something I can't!
1. Add a comment to this post on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot…anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It’s actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you.
august adventure: chicago
9 years ago
Angela, It's hard to think of just one memory! I remember doing FBLA stuff together and doing pop up chats during our Word Processing class instead of classwork. I remember you being a great friend, one that I think about on occasion and wish I saw now and then. So, imagine my excitement as I was blog hopping and stumbled across yours! Yay for me! By the way, you have a beautiful little girl, I'm so excited for you and it reminded me of the fun little "firsts" with my oldest. How exciting. --Peggy (Johnson) Caldwell@
I remember lots of sunday dinners together before we had the same last name - not to mention several unending games of Settlers!
Miss Angela, I have two favorite memories of you--actually make that three. Here they are in no particular order: 1) That time you called me on the cell phone when you were in our room and I was in the kitchen. 2) "I'm seven weeks tired." "Me too!" 3) That overlook of Provo with the box of cereal and then later the ill-fated tennis ball. All of these instances, I am sure you know what I mean!
I remember once going up to your house for your birthday party and playing water baseball, or something like that. That was a lot of fun. Playing the piano, young women, camp . . .
Next time we're down your way, we'll have to all get together (us, the other Shaffer's, and you). I'd love to me Eliza, and your husband!
Renee (Goodrich) Shaffer
hmmm, as was mentioned earlier I can think of tons of great memories. Remember, when we used to study for that class (I don't even remember the name of it) and I didn't know how to pronounce the any of the names. :) My other favorite memory is hanging out with you before you're wedding and helping you get ready. I remember how beautiful and happy you were! many memories!!! Work, play, boys!!! I'll never forget our "deep talks". You and your crutches! All our boy problems. All the fun we had at work. Those were good days!
I like to remember the notebook that we kept during choir class. We sure had some great talks over the years.
Remember that one time that we lived together and you were sick and couldn't talk? Then all of a sudden you figured out that you could make sounds if you talked while inhaling. So you informed me by going "I just found out (exhale) that if I talk like this (exhale) people can hear me." I still laugh about it.
Remember that one time that we lived together and you were sick and couldn't talk? Then all of a sudden you figured out that you could make sounds if you talked while inhaling. So you informed me by going "I just found out (exhale) that if I talk like this (exhale) people can hear me." I still laugh about it.
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